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Annemiek den Uijl


Annemiek was born in 1950 in Gouda, The Netherlands and was educated as a teacher physical education, a profession she has practiced till 1990. After finishing a study in information technology she started a career within the Dutch meteorological institute (KNMI). The last years she was responsible for the gathering of meteorological data for air traffic services and represented the KNMI both in European as well in global organizations. She retired in 2015.

Found in 1 Collection or Record:

ЕНД-00001, Sestre Mavrovske, Jugoton

Overview Makedonske pesme pevaju sestre Mavrovske. Ansambl "Urošević". EPY-3338, Jugoton. Страна А 1. Pesma Skoplju (Toma i Andrija Bajić); (Песма Скопљу) 2. Razgrani granka (narodna); (Разграни гранка) Страна Б 1. Si zaljubiv edno mome (narodna); (Си заљубив едно моме) 2. Snošti si mamo mori (narodna). (Сношти си мамо мори) „Ендендијк Збирката“ е збирка на народна и традиционална музика од Западна Европа до Централна Азија со силен акцент на Балканот. Вклучува и снимки од Блискиот Исток,...