ВИД_618, Видео материјал. Red Waters - Faroe Islands Whale Slaughter , 2014
Collection — Folder: ВИД _618/АВ - ЦД - 297 - 7, Folder: 48'' Film
Red Waters - Faroe Islands Whale Slaughter - 48 min., RT ANO TV - Novosti, 2014 (The Faroe Islands, in the harsh North Atlantic, are part of the Kingdom of Denmark. The diverse community of around 50,000 has traditions dating back centuries and a remarkably low crime rate. Yet the Faroese are often called the last barbarians of Europe. Recent pictures of their slaughter of pilot whales went viral on the internet and in the media. Marine... mammals killed and hacked into pieces while children play in the blood-red waters were shocking to many. Unmoved, the Faroese are determined to continue their tradition and devise new weapons for killing the ‘grinds’, insisting that it's no different to killing any other animal for food).
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- 2014
- RT ANO TV (Production company, Person)
From the Collection: 1- Cassettes
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- RT ANO TV (Production company, Person)
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