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МУЗИЧКА ЗБИРКА НА ЕНДЕНДИЈК ОД МАКЕДОНИЈА И БАЛКАН / THE ENDENDIJK MUSICAL COLLECTION FROM MACEDONIA AND BALKANS Збирка на меѓународна народна и традиционална музика / A collection of international folk and traditional music, 1962



  • 1962



From the Fonds: 1-1000 Terabytes

General is the home of “The Endendijk Collection”, which is a collection of folk and traditional music from Western Europe to Central Asia with a strong emphasis on the Balkan. It includes also recordings from: the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. An overview of the collection can be found under menu item “Collection”. These are mostly commercially produced albums.

Music Collection from MacedoniaRepublic of North Macedonia: 826

Repository Details

Part of the Дигитален Архив на етнолошки и антрополошки ресурси / Digital Archive for Ethnological and Anthropological Resources Repository

Ul.Archimedova br. 3
Skopje 1000 Macedonia