ВИД_446 Видео материјал, Give Me Dancing Feet , 1997
Collection — Container: АВ - ЦД - 225 - 1, Folder: 52'' Film
Give Me Dancing Feet, 52 min. Западна Африка, Гвинеа Бисао, обичаи, традиција, иницијација, церемонија, танцување. (In Guinea - Bissau, the archipelago of Bijonos has always preserved its customs, like that of the younger generation's allegiance to its elders which lasts until the ceremony of initiation at 35 years old. Nouno, a 25 year old tailor, wants the date brought forward, so that he will no longer be dependent on his elders and will be able to work for himself. The ceremony takes place before our very eyes, where each initiate defies flames and purifies his spirit by dancing in a trance)
- 1997
From the Collection: 1- Cassettes
Repository Details
Part of the Дигитален Архив на етнолошки и антрополошки ресурси / Digital Archive for Ethnological and Anthropological Resources Repository