ВИД_447 Видео материјал, The Day I Discovered Victor Hugo , 1997
Collection — Container: АВ - ЦД - 225 - 2, Folder: 52'' Film
The Day I Discovered Victor Hugo, 52 мин. Западна Африка, Мали, вагон библиотека. (In Mali there is a train called the Library Wagon which runs from Bamako to the Senegal border, stopping in village after village, and carrying a book for everyone. Reading means better mastery of French, learning and discovering other cultures. This meeting with Malian readers, both young and not so young, is a lesson in how each person has something personal to gain from reading these French or African authors)
- 1997
From the Collection: 1- Cassettes
Repository Details
Part of the Дигитален Архив на етнолошки и антрополошки ресурси / Digital Archive for Ethnological and Anthropological Resources Repository