ВИД_451 Видео материјал, The Shaman's Two Sons , 1998
Collection — Container: АВ - ЦД - 227 - 2, Folder: 58'' Film
The Shaman's Two Sons, 58 мин. Југоисточна Азија, Филипини, Палаван, Шаман, племе, исцелување. (Tuking, the old Shaman on the island of Palawan, a remote region of the Philippines, has just died without naming either of his sons as his successor. The news of his death sends the tribe into great turmoil, especially Alma's family. Which of the two brothers will take over his father's role? The wise and solitary oldest son, Inaring, or the sociable and healing younger brother Medsinu?)
- 1998
From the Collection: 1- Cassettes
Repository Details
Part of the Дигитален Архив на етнолошки и антрополошки ресурси / Digital Archive for Ethnological and Anthropological Resources Repository