документарен етнографски филм
Subject Source: Local sources
Found in 135 Collections and/or Records:
ВИД_153 Видео материјали, Being Innu , 2007
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 108, Folder: 1' 16" Film
Being Innu by Catherine Mullins - 76 min., 2007 (Innu, government policy forced them to settle and form communities in Labrador and Quebec) Инуити, Лабрадор, Квебек, традиција, миграции
ВИД_154 Видео материјали, A Joking Relationship , 1962
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 109, Folder: 13" Film
A Joking Relationship by John Marshall - 13 min., 1962 (Joking relationship between N!ai, the young wife of Guanda, and her great - uncle Ti!kay. Joking relationship provides oppurtunities for casual intimacy, emotional release, and support) , Африка, Намибија
ВИД_155 Видео материјали, A Rite of Passage , 1972
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 110, Folder: 14" Film
A Rite of Passage by John Marshall - 14 min., 1972 ( A small ceremony called "marking" takes place when a Kung boy kills his first lagre antelope. Hunting not only provides meat and useful skins and sinews, but a young man's successful kill also discharges a social obligation to his potential father-in-law, who is provided with meat to distribute to the entire village). Западна Африка, Сенегал, Белаје, обреди на премин.
ВИД_159 Видео материјали, Forest of Bliss , 1986
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 114, Folder: 1' 30" Film
Forest of Bliss by Robert Gardner - 90 min., 1986 ( An unsparing account of the inevitable griefs, religious passions and happinesses that punctuate daily life in Benares, India's most holy city) Индија, Бенарес, свет град, секојдневен живот.
ВИД_16 Видео материјали, Гватемала
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 10 - 3, Folder: 21'' Film
ВИД_160 Видео материјали, N!ai, The Story of a !Kung Woman , 1980
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 115, Folder: 59'' Film
N!ai, The Story of a !Kung Woman by John Marshall, Adrienne Miesmer, Sue M. Cabezas, 59 min., 1980 (N!ai, a !Kung woman tells her story of changes in !Kung life over a thirty year period) Африка, етнографско истражување
ВИД_161 Видео материјали, The feast , 1970
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 116, Folder: 29'' Film
The feast by Timothy Asch, Napolean A. Chagnon - 29 min., 1970 (Yanomamo feasts are ceremonial, social, economic, and political events) Амазон, Јаномамо, церемонија, социјални, економски, политички настани
ВИД_162 Видео материјали, Fish is Our Life , 1994
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 117, Folder: 28'' Film
Fish is Our Life by Peregrine Beckman - 28 min., 1994 (This unusual documentary provides fascinating profile of an important segment of the Japanese population rarely seen or studied in the West. It focuses on the small businessmen proprietors who work the 1,100 family-owned businesses at Tsukiji Market, Tokyo's largest wholesale fish market. Tsukiji is a small city in itself, with its own uniqe culture, work hours, and traditions. Јапонија, рибен пазар, бизнис, култура, работно време, традиција
ВИД_163 Видео материјали, Zbiralec , 2006
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 118 - 1, Folder: 7'' Film
Zbiralec - 7 min., Jana Jurić, Janja Hiti (Poletna Šola Vizualnega 2006, Nova Gorica 9. - 17.7.2006, Avdiovizualni labaratorij Inštituta za slovensko narodopisje, ZRC SAZU, Slovenia) Словенија, Нова Горица, етнографско истражување, студентски филм
ВИД_164 Видео материјали, Dopoldan z Dojenčkom , 2006
Collection — АВ - ЦД - 118 - 2, Folder: 8'' Film
Dopoldan z Dojenčkom - 8 min., Jana Barbo Jerko, Maša Zavrtanik (Poletna Šola Vizualnega 2006, Nova Gorica 9. - 17.7.2006, Avdiovizualni labaratorij Inštituta za slovensko narodopisje, ZRC SAZU, Slovenia) Словенија, Нова Горица, етнографско истражување, студентски филм