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3.1.2 Народни обичаи и обреди

Subject Source: Local sources

Found in 1 Collection or Record:

ВИД_722, Видео материјал. Јаneu - Bhojpuri: Initiation Rites and Folk Songs/Жану - Боџпури: иницијациски обреди и народни песни, 2016-11-12

 Collection — ВИД _722/АВ - ЦД - 364 - 1 , Folder: 25'' Film
Overview Јаneu - Bhojpuri: Initiation Rites and Folk Songs/Жану - Боџпури: иницијациски обреди и народни песни - 25 min., Esprito Kashi, film by Rajat Nayyar, Rajat Madan, India, Етнооф, 12.11.2016, Скопје (While rituals in India are majorly seen as men's job, not many know that women hold an equally important role in the purification rituals – of expressing the emotions that develop during the ritual through songs.The film documents the folk songs sung during the initiation ritual (Janeu or Upanayana)...